Introduction and Spoiler Warning
This is a full, in depth-guide to The Approaching Storm, a custom Arkham Horror Card Game campaign made by Kristofer Bengtsson This article discusses potential XP, story paths, secrets, and FULL SPOILERS, so be warned!
Available XP per scenario/interlude:
Scenario 1: A Plot Uncovered: +4 XP (successful completion) or +2 XP (loss by doom advancement) = 4 XP
Scenario 2: Dark Waters: 1 (Captain Wollerton) + 1 (Mr. Wright - The Steward) + 4 (finished the scenario by stopping the crew before Agenda 3) OR +5 (rescuing 5 Passengers) +2 Baezelbub = 6 XP or 9 XP
Scenario 3: Curiosities: 4 (locations) +2 (successful scenario completion) = 6 XP
Scenario 4: Shadow Rails: 4 (locations) +1 (Fog Beast) +2 (The Beast) +2 (on successful resolution for each undefeated investigator) = 9 XP
Scenario 5: Lair of the Cult: 1 (locations) +2 (Sewer Fiend, in the sewer deck) +2 (Abomination of Baal, at the Sacrificial Chamber) +3 (3x Storm Ravagers, spawning on act/agenda advancements) +2 (successful scenario completion) = 10 XP
Scenario 6: The Domain of Baal: 1 (locations) +2 (Baelzbub - Avatar of Baal) or +1 (Tower Guardian) = 2 or 3 XP
A total of 38 XP is available to investigators before entering the final scenario. A lot of that XP is backloaded, with Scenario 1 being especially light on XP. For Scenario 2, rescuing all 5 Passengers is pretty difficult - defeating the crew before Baezelbub is spawned should be considered a pretty good accomplishment.
The Manuscript
One of the early side goals of the campaign is to collect the pieces of manuscript that are scattered around. There are eight in total to collect. You can find them in the follwoing locations:
Scenario 1: You gain 1 piece of the manuscript regardless of your resolution.
Scenario 2: 5 manuscript pieces can each be found in a different location, requiring you to collect the clues and pass a skill test at them. A specific one is required for proper completion of the scenario - the others are option.
Scenario 3: No manuscript pieces.
Scenario 4: No manuscript pieces.
Scenario 5: 2 different locations in the Sewer Deck have manuscript pieces on them. You'll need to find them before finding the final location in order for them to matter, though.
Then, at the end of scenario 5, the final location will spawn with (10 - manuscript pieces found) seals on it. Each will require an Intelligence check against the location's shroud value to remove - which can vary from 4 to 7 depending on what encounter cards are in play. Collecting all of the pieces will help, but certainly isn't required if you have a good Intelligence score.
More on The Approaching Storm:
The Approaching Storm: Spoiler-Light Review