Introduction and Spoiler Warning
This is a full, in depth-guide to Circus Ex Mortis a custom Arkham Horror Card Game campaign by The Beard. This article discusses potential XP, story paths, secrets, and FULL SPOILERS, so be warned!
Available XP per scenario:
Scenario 1: One Night Only: 2 (locations) +2 (2x Disguised Monstrocity) +2 (2x Terrified Captives, in the encounter deck) = 6 XP total
Scenario 2: The Primrose Path: 4 (locations) +2 (2x Ursine Brute in the encounter deck) +1 (New Moon Illusionist) = 7 XP total
Scenario 3: Harm's Way: 4 (Kidnapped Citizen) +2 (2x Terrified Captives, in the encounter deck) = 6 XP total
Curse of the Rougarou: 3 (locations) +1 (Dark Young Host, in the encounter deck) = 4 XP total
Scenario 4: All Points West: 5 (locations) +3 (Goatspawn enemies) = 8 XP total
Scenario 5: Piper at the Gates of Dawn: 2 (locations) +2 (The Black Goat) +1 (if all Big Top locations were revealed) = 5 XP total
Scenario 6: Bacchanalia: 2 (locations) +2 (2x Terrified Captives, from Hidden Dungeons) +4 (1x for each Vice chosen at the start) = 8 XP total
Scenario 7: Red Sunrise: 5 (locations) +1 (The Cult En Masse) = 6 XP total
Scenario 8: Thousand to One: 1 (locations) +5 (successful resolution) +2 (succesfully completing act 1a) = 8 XP total
There is a total of 50 XP available before Scenario 8, if you include Curse of the Rougarou, which you're encouraged to do. You can expect a little under 40 XP before the end of the campaign, although that will be easier in higher player counts, due to how much XP is in the encounter deck.
Campaign Breakdown
Amalthea Weaver
After scenario 2, any one investigator must add Amalthea Weaver to their deck. She upgrades over the course of the campaign, with some branching paths.

After scenario 4, you can choose to make her the Aspirant of Courage, giving her +1 health and allowing you to release a token sealed on any card on your location when you use her ability to pass a test. Then, after scenario 6, you can choose between the Oracle of Purity for +1 health and allowing you to release two tokens when you use her ability, or Oracle of Resolve, for +1 sanity and allowing her to grant +1 Combat.

After scenario 4, you can choose to make her the Aspirant of Wisdom, giving her +1 sanity and letting you or the performing investigator to draw a card when you use her ability to pass a test. Then, after scenario 6, you can choose between the Oracle of Enlightenment, giving +1 sanity and making her effect to draw 2 cards and discard one, or the Oracle of Mystery, giving +1 health and allowing you to draw from the bottom of your deck or the top

De Cultus Beastiae
After scenario 2, any one investigator must add De Cultus Bestiae to their deck. Over the course of the campaign, it upgrades, with some branching paths.

After scenario 4, you can choose the Interpretation of Conviction, allowing you to seal an additional moon token on the card. Then, after scenario 6, you can choose between the Prophecy of the Beyond, allowing you to seal up to 3 moon tokens on the card, or Prophecy of the Eternal, giving +1 Agility.

After scenario 4, you can choose the Interpretation of Obsession, allowing you to heal a damage or a horror from an investigator or ally at your location when you release a token on the tome. Then, after scenario 6, you can choose between the Prophecy of the Horde, allowing you to heal 2 different investigators or allies at once when you release a token from the card, or Prophecy of the Behemoth, allowing you to heal 2 damage or horror from the same investigator or ally.

Changed Rewards for Curse of the Rougarou
After scenairo 3, the campaign allows you to play Curse of the Rougarou at no XP cost, with some changes (all of which make it easier, allowing you to use moon tokens for benefits!). The rewards, too, have some changes.
If you go the Monstrous Transformation reward path, the Curse of the Rougarou weakness you also get now discards when you release a moon token. Considering that weakness normally sticks around forever, that's a huge benefit!
If you go the Lady Esprit reward path, she lets you discover a clue when you release a moon token (limit once per round). It's a powerful effect that can get you a lot of clues over the course of a scenario.
More on Circus Ex Mortis:
Circus Ex Mortis: Spoiler-Light Review